Graeme Sargood
Associate Partner
Associate Partner
Graeme Sargood is a chartered Clerk of Works, who has been in the construction industry for more than 25 years. Graeme is a member of the ICWCI and the CIOB as well obtaining a Bsc (hons) in Construction management and the Environment. He manages part of the clerk of Works service for Baily Garner, specialising in complex and high-rise, residential and commercial inspections.
Having worked through the ranks on building sites, reaching Senior Management, Graeme can now transfer his vast practical skills and experience to assist in delivering high quality and successful projects for our clients
Graeme is very well versed in a broad spectrum of construction activities from high-rise modern methods of construction to specialist restoration of historic buildings. Graeme has been exposed to JCT form of contract, both traditional and design and build and has also worked as a supervisor role for NEC contracts.